
RAML is backed by a generous community of developers, engineers, architects, and companies that want to push the API space forward. This community is open to all, and contributions are welcomed!!! There are several ways to contribute to RAML:

Contributing to the Spec

If you have ideas or find problems with the spec, please raise an issue in the Spec Github Repository.

Creating an Open source Project

Open source is the lifeblood of RAML – and we welcome all types of projects in our Projects Library. To get started, take a look at some of the many parsers already available for RAML (or feel free to create your own) and once your project is ready to share just send us an email at and we'll add it to the library!

Adding RAML to a Paid Service

You are absolutely 100% free to add RAML to any service you create, free or paid. The only thing we ask (for legal reasons) is that if you advertise you support RAML (which is AWESOME) that you adhere to our brand guidelines. For more information, you can read the Apache 2 license. Oh, and we’d love for you to add your service to our list of services supporting RAML.

Partner with RAML

Want to do more? Email us at with your ideas and we’ll be happy to chat!