[Update] Checkout our new projects

Category : News , Updates

Hi @all, we are proud to announce that we were able to add a couple of new projects to our list. Check them out on: raml.org/projects.html Here an overview:

  • New: RAMSES - a library to generate REST APIs based on RAML
  • New: RAML Linter - executes static analysis, linter-like, utility that will enforce rules on a given RAML document, ensuring consistency and quality.
  • New: raml-server - exposes a fake REST API with zero coding
  • New: express-raml-store - API Designer with a filesystem persistence layer
  • New: Vigia - adaptable API integration test suite
  • New: ramltomd - markdown converter
  • New: LocalAPI - run a fully functional API based on a RAML spec
  • New: Ruby RamlParser - RAML parser for Ruby
  • New: raml2html PHP - HTML converter using PHP
  • New: API Science - cloud-based API performance and availability monitoring service allowing to also import RAML

To every single one of the contributors - thanks a lot!!! Hope we will see more projects coming in the future. If you do have one and it should be on this list - please contact us via info@raml.org!